The Chip Gallery
Talker - Build you own
talking circuit that says the first
million digits of PI! This kit includes are the components, circuit
board, and instructions needed for a fully functional PI counter.
Features include an adjustable output rate (digits/second). Useful as a
conversational piece or a great way to memorize the digits of PI. In
case you don't know, PI is the ratio of a circle's circumference to its
diameter. It is the same for all circles and seems to consist of pure
randomness. The first few dozen digits of pi are :
3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693.... E-mail us for more
<SOLD OUT> *Only available in quantities of 100. Please
e-mail us for a quote.
Number Generator - Single
chip package. Requires minimal
external circuitry!! Build it on a breadboard for quick projects or
integrate it into a finished design! Uses an implementation of the Rule
30 cellular
automaton to generate extremely
long sequences of pseudo random
numbers (won't repeat in the life of this universe). Ideal for
applications needing a source of randomness such as,
probability games, AI, white noise, mathematics, etc... Keep in mind
that the Microsoft Windows's built in random number generator is
seriously flawed. As a programmer and game developer, I have run into
strange "patterns" time and time again with their generator. If you
need something better, you need this.
E-mail ideas to design@makeyourownchip.com.
Make requests!
Possible applications |
- Timing
- Testing and
- Counting
- Automation
- Processing
- Wireless
- Detection
- Analysis
- Communication
- Security
- Encryption
- and more
find the chip you need? We can build one for you! Click on the "Custom Design"
button on the left menu.
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